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ReDex has a large set of optimization passes that is constantly evolving. Information in this document may be outdated, inspect the code if necessary.


Final objects and private methods can be optimized more aggressively than virtual objects and public methods.

Devirtualization can result in [NullPointerException]. Two Redex passes perform devirtualization of methods: AccessMarkingPass devirtualizes methods not using this. MethodInlinePass inlines monomorphic virtual calls.

The app's config file can override AccessMarkingPass behavior. finalize_methods, finalize_unwritten_fields, finalize_classes, and privatize_methods default to true. finalize_written_fields defaults to false.

"AccessMarkingPass": {
"finalize_written_fields": true

Pass ordering dependencies:

  • AccessMarkingPass should be run early as it enables other optimizations.

See related:


AnnoKillPass originally removed only annotations with no static references in the code--"build-visible" annotations. It was expanded to remove annotations referenced statically, but not used at runtime--"runtime-visible" annotations.

AnnoKillPass reads configuration options from the app's config file specifying annotations to be kept or killed. An additional option specifies whether Redex should attempt to match signatures for removal.

"AnnoKillPass" : {
"keep_annos": [
"kill_bad_signatures" : true,
"kill_annos" : [

See related:


As the name suggests BridgeSynthInlinePass removes bridge and synthetic methods by inlining them.

Bridge methods are created by the javac compiler as part of type erasure for covariant generics.

Example of a bridge method in pseudo-bytecode:

check-cast*   (for checking covariant arg types)
invoke-{direct,virtual,static} bridged-method

BridgeSynthInlinePass inlines the target of the bridging, the "bridgee", into the bridge method by replacing the invoke- and adjusting check-casts as needed. The bridgee can then be deleted.

BridgeSynthInlinePass also removes synthetic methods introduced by javac. javac generates these methods because while Java allows inner classes or nested classes, DEX bytecode does not. Inner classes, like class Delta in this example, are promoted to top-level classes in the DEX bytecode.

public class Gamma {
public Gamma(int v) {
x = v;
private int x;

public class Delta {
public int doublex() {
return 2*x;

javac generates a synthetic method that allows access to fields, methods, and constructors in the promoted class. SynthPass effectively removes these synthetic methods, replacing them with a direct access to the field or call to the method or constructor.

The general limitations and the cost model of the inliner applies. As a result, some bridge and synthetic method inlining opportunities might not be acted upon, e.g. when it would result in API-level violations, or an overall size increase.


CheckBreadcrumbsPass validates Redex codegen against leftover references to deleted types, methods, or fields.

  • Verifies that there are no references to a deleted class definition remaining in DEX files (essentially an internal class that is not in scope).
  • Verifies that the target of a field and method reference exists on the class it is defined on.

Redex will warn if it finds dangling references or illegal references to entities.


ClassMergingPass shrinks the size of code generated by some frameworks. These tools produce large amounts of Java code for each component. The code generated for different component types often shares the same structure, differing only by the type of the component.

Class Merging identifies pieces of generated code that have the same "shape". Erasing the types that differ allows the pieces of generated code to be merged.


ConstantPropagationPass substitutes the values of constants into expressions at compile time. Constant propagation can eliminate multiple expressions, resulting in a constant load.

ConstantPropagationPass does a whole program analysis to replace instructions with single destination registers with constant loads. The analysis is run iteratively until a fixed point or configurable limit is reached.

CostantPropagationPass should be run before dead code elimination (DCE) passes as it can create dead code.

See related:


CopyPropagationPass removes writes of duplicated values to registers in a basic block. If value A and value B are aliases, then any moves between these registers are unnecessary and can be eliminated. Duplicated source registers can also be deduplicated.

CopyPropagationPass can also remove duplicated instructions if the source and the destination are aliased.

Example: v0 and v1 contain the same value and can be treated locally as aliases:

const v0, 0
const v1, 0
invoke-static v0 foo
invoke-static v1 bar

can be transformed into

const v0, 0
invoke-static v0 foo
invoke-static v0 bar

CopyPropagationPass should be run before dead code elimination (DCE) passes as it can create dead code.

See related:


Dedup blocks inside of a method. Duplicated blocks are those with the same code and the same successor. Duplicated blocks can have different predecessors.

DedupBlocksPass identifies one of the blocks as the canonical version, then redirects all predecessors to the canonical block. The pass currenly only identifies blocks with a single successor, but in the future may identify blocks with multiple sucessors.

Stack traces for deduplicated blocks will always report the same line number, but the predecessor line numbers will be correct.

DedupBlocksPass should be run after InterDexPass.


DelSuperPass eliminates subclass methods that invoke the superclass method and trivially return.

DelSuperPass only optimizes virtual methods with the following characteristics:

  • The subclass method must match the name and signature of the superclass method
  • The subclass method must only invoke the superclass method and either return void or the result of the callee.

DelSuperPass also fixes up references to the removed subclass methods, making them refer to the superclass method instead. Though Dalvik's invoke-virtual would automatically resolve to the correct superclass method, doing this reduces the number of method references in the Dex file and saves on space.


FinalInlinePassV2, or an instance field's value after <init>, and inlines the value in dex code. Note that this pass is separate from the MethodInline and SwitchInline passes.

The DX tool often introduces verbose bytecode sequences to initialize static fields in classes it generates. The encoded_value equivalents are much more compact. This pass determines the values of static fields after <clinit> and eliminates the redundant writes to the static field.

This pass applies to both final and non-final static fields. For final statics it also inlines reads of the static field where possible, replacing them with constant operations outside of <clinit>.

For instance fields, the pass calculates the field's value after <init> is finished. It inlines reads of the instance field where possible.

Unlike a static field, if an instance field were changed outside of <init>, it might have different values for different instances of the class. For classes with multiple <init> the instance field values might differ based on the constructor. This pass does not inline instance fields that are:

  1. Modified outside of their class <init>.
  2. In a class that have more than one constructor.
  3. Accessed by reflection or native code anywhere in code.
  4. Accessed in another method that is called inside of the constructor.

Note that this pass does not inline the CharSequence type for static or instance fields because older Dalvik VMs cannot handle this class.

See related:


LocalDcePass removes dead instructions in a method. Code is considered to be "dead' if it has no side-effects and does not change its output registers. Code in a catch block is considered live for the duration of the try, as any instruction in the try block is assumed to be able to throw. Methods annotated with @DoNotOptimize are not considered for dead code elimination.

Dead code elimination (DCE) differs from RemoveUnreachable (RMU) in two ways: first, RMU works from global roots (at the scope of Class/Method/Field) whereas DCE works at the function scope. Second, DCE removes code that does not change state, for example, a store to a memory address that is not read in the scope of the block, whereas RMU removes code that is unreachable regardless of its effect on state.

See related:


MethodDevirtualizationPass converts virtual methods with single implementation to static dmethods.

The app's config file:

"MethodDevirtualizationPass" : {
"staticize_vmethods_not_using_this" : true,
"staticize_dmethods_not_using_this" : true

See related:


ObfuscatePass pass obfuscates method and field names. RenameClassesPassV2 obfuscates class names.

See related:


OptimizeEnumsPass does two things to make use of Enum classes more efficient. It optimizes the use of Enum values in switch tables and replaces some uses of Enum values with Integer singletons.

The javac compiler creates Dalvik packed switch tables that contain a generated anonymous class. OptimizeEnumPass replaces these packed switch statements with lookups based on the Enum ordinal itself. Note that this optimization does not work with ProGuard obfuscation enabled. ProGuard can rewrite Enum value names such that they no longer match the Enum class name.

OptimizeEnumsPass also replaces some uses of an Enum with a boxed Integer singleton and keeps the runtime behavior unchanged at the same time.

The pass does not guarantee to erase all the enums, perf sensitive code should never use enums. An Enum is not optimizable if it is:

  1. An abstract Enum.
  2. Reflectively used.
  3. Contains an instance field that is not a primitive.
  4. Contains non-final instance fields.
  5. Cast to any other types, like java.lang.Object, java.lang.Enum,, java.lang.Comparable


"OriginalNamePass" : {
"hierarchy_roots" : [

Redex renames classes for performance reasons. Renaming can result in different class names in debug and release builds, which results in mismatches in logging. Also, some system functions should not be renamed.

An alternative is to use OriginalClassName.getSimpleName() for logging. OriginalNamePass is preferred as is does not significantly increase the APK size.


Replace small code patterns with a more efficient pattern. The optimization matches known patterns for replacement. It essentially performs a string search of the code for known inefficient sequences and replaces them with more efficient code. PeepholePass will not replace patterns that span a basic block boundary. PeepholePass can remove no-op function calls such as redundant moves and appends of null strings.

Peephole pass should be run early.


Rebind references to their most abstract type.

The number of methods in a DEX file is limited to 64K. Method definitions (defs) and references (refs) both count against this limit. The class scope in an inheritance situation can create needless method refs. Calls based on the subclassed methods create unnecessary method refs for the subclass. This is especially true when calls are made through the implicit this.

For example, you have a class specialized on <n> with a method that calls Object.equals(Object). All of these calls create a ref X<n>.equals(Object), each of them counting against the 64K limit. Rebinding them lower in the hierarchy reduces the number of unique refs.

class X<n>
public void foo<n>(Object o)
if (equals(o) {...}

ReBindRefsPass rebinds all invoke-virtual to the base def of the virtual scope. For invoke-interface, it rebinds to the first interface method def. The optimization is only done as long as there is no change in method visibility: we walk down the hiearchy as long as the method is public. ReBindRefsPass drastically reduces the number of methods defined in DEX files.


Reduces gotos in two ways:

  1. When a conditional branch would fallthrough to a block that has multiple sources, and the branch target only one has one, invert condition and swap branch and goto target. This reduces the need for additional gotos and maximizes the fallthrough efficiency.
  2. It replaces gotos that eventually simply return by return instructions. Return instructions tend to have a smaller encoding than goto instructions, and tend to compress better due to less entropy (no offset).

Example, inverting this conditional will eliminate a goto:

(const v2 0)

(if-eqz v0 :true)

(return v2)

(const v2 1)
(goto :back_jump_target)


RegAllocPass does register allocation: the process of allocating variables into the available physical registers. The goal of register allocation is to avoid "spilling", that is, moving values from registers into memory.

RegAllocPass uses a standard graph-coloring register allocator algorithm, known as the Chaitin-Briggs algorithm.


Remove builder invocations. A trivial builder is one that:

  • Doesn't escape the stack (this is never passed to a method not in this instance, stored in a field, or returned)
  • Has no static methods
  • Has no static fields

Unreferenced builders are left to be removed by RemoveUnreachablePass (RMU).

See related:


The motivation of this pass is to remove a hierarchy of interfaces extending each others. The removal of the interfaces simplifies the type system and enables additional type system level optimizations.

We remove each interface by replacing each invoke-interface site with a generated dispatch stub that models the interface call semantic at bytecode level. After that we remove the existing references to them from the implementors and remove them completely. We start at the leaf level of the interface hierarchy. After removing the leaf level, we iteratively apply the same transformation to the now newly formed leaf level again and again until all interfaces are removed.

Note that this is a critical pass for optimizing GraphQL generated fragment models. Aside from the fragment model classes themselves, the GraphQL tool chain also generates a Java interface for each GraphQL fragment namely fragment interface. The existence of these interfaces greatly complicates the type system of the generated GraphQL fragment models making merging the underlying model classes virtually impossible. The other interface removal optimizations like SingleImpl as well as RemoveUnreachablePass can address this issue to some extend. But they are not able to remove the majority of them. RemoveInterfacePass is capable of removing most of the fragment interfaces at the expense of producing the above mentioned dispatch stubs. Doing so before Class Merging paves the way for maximizing the code size reduction we can achieve in Class Merging.


Starting from the roots, recursively mark the other elements that the roots reference. Afterwards, it deletes all the unmarked elements.

The pass has various powerful options, including:

  • remove_no_argument_constructors: Whether to remove argless constructors. They might be used to create instances via reflection, so the default is false.
  • relaxed_keep_class_members: Only consider instance members as roots when their classes are either instantiable, i.e. have a callable constructor, or are "dynamically referenced". A class is "dynamically referenced" if it is mentioned in a Dalvik annotation signature, is referenced in a runtime-visibile annotation, appears in a string or a const-class instruction, is the declaring type of a native method, is present in a native library (lib//.so), has one of the configured "reflected_package_names". The default is false for backwards compatibility.
  • throw_propagation: When reachable instructions invoke methods that cannot return (e.g. all possible target methods have no reachable return statement), then subsequent instructions will not be visited, and replaced with a unreachable instruction. The default is false for backwards compatibility.
  • prune_uninstantiable_insns: When reachable instructions access instance members of classes that can never be instantiated, then subsequent instructions will not be visited, and replaced with an instruction that throws a NullPointerException. The default is false for backwards compatibility.
  • prune_uncallable_instance_method_bodies: When an instance method can never be target of an invocation, even though we might need to keep the method for virtual scope order, or because of keep rules, then we can replace its body with an unreachable instruction. This draws from the same instantiability knowledge that is used for the prune_uninstantiable_insns option. The default is false for backwards compatibility.
  • prune_uncallable_virtual_methods: In some cases, we don't need to keep the body of an uncallable method, but instead can make the method abstract, or remove it completely. The default is false for backwards compatibility.
  • prune_unreferenced_interfaces: Removes interfaces that are not referenced anywhere in code except in implements clauses. The default is false for backwards compatibility.

More information about RemoveUnreachablePass is available in this [note on Teaching Reachability Analysis about Dependency Injection].

See related:


It's pretty much in the name. A lot of these unread fields are actually javac-generated fields for inner classes. Notably, this turns non-static inner classes into static ones where possible.

This pass occasionally causes issues because the app may have been relying on an unread field to stop the GC from deleting an object.


Removes unused parameters. Currently only works on non-virtual methods and virtual methods that are not part of some overriding inheritance hierarchy.


RenameClassesPassV2 renames classes to shorter names such as "X.A1c", saving in APK size, obfuscating the code, and ordering classes to optimize performance of loading.

RenameClassesPassV2 will not rename any class mentioned in resources, nor will it rename anything in blocklist either by direct class name or as part of an excluded package.

RenameClassesPassV2 relies on the app's config file, excluding of the class or hierarchy, or use of reflection.

Logview and bug reports are configured to automatically undo this renaming.

See related:


ReorderInterfacesDeclPass list for each class by how frquently the Interfaces are called. The Interface list is searched linearly when an Interface is called, so calling an Interface at the list will be faster. An alphabetical sort is used for tie-breaks in number of incoming calls to preserve consistency across Classes.

This pass could be improved by checking the number of incoming calls dynamically.


Refactor code, e.g.,


to be as efficient as the less elegant equivalent version:

Text.Builder b = Text.create(context);

See related:


Replaces long filename strings with strings used elsewhere in the APK. This munges the filename component of stack traces. Logview and bug reports automatically reverse this for you.


For example, in this code, if run is inlined to main and the access of bar throws, the stack trace in main will show a NullPointerException at the dereference of this instead of a call to run.

class Foo {
private String bar;
public void run() {

class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Foo foo = null;;

MethodInlinePass will not inline a constructor as the Android verifier checks for a call to <init> before any access to the object.

MethodInlinePass cannot currently be run after InterDexPass.

See related:


Removes interfaces with only a single implementation. Any classes referring to the interface will now refer to the implementation instead. This can cause minor confusion in stack traces.


StaticReloPassV2 relocates static fields and methods that only have one calling class to that class. It improves the performance and reduces the app size.

See related:


Reduce string operations as well as reducing the number of strings that need to be loaded.

Here's an example <clinit> method StringConcatenationPass will optimize:

public static final String PREFIX = "foo";
public static final String CONCATENATED = PREFIX + "bar";

The output code should be equivalent to:

public static final PREFIX = "foo";
public static final CONCATENATED = "foobar";

This is a targeted optimization that is only performed on static initializers with many string concatenations.


StripDebugInfoPass removes debug information for instructions that will never throw. As debug positions can correspond to multiple instructions, we need to check that none of the instructions will throw. Also, Redex won't strip the first piece of debug information in a function to preserve the accuracty of sampling profiles and ANR stack traces.

The app's config file can direct StripDebugInfoPass removals at a more granular level:

"StripDebugInfoPass" : {
"drop_all_dbg_info" : "0",
"drop_local_variables" : "1",
"drop_line_numbers" : "0",
"drop_src_files" : "0",
"use_allowlist" : "0",
"cls_allowlist" : [],
"method_allowlist" : [],
"drop_prologue_end" : "1",
"drop_epilogue_begin" : "1",
"drop_all_dbg_info_if_empty" : "1",
"drop_synth_aggressive" : "0",
"drop_line_numbers_preceeding_safe" : "1"

Pass ordering dependencies:

  • StripDebugInfoPass should be run early as removal of the debug info should make other passes faster.
  • Inlining complicates the flow graph for debug info. StripDebugInfoPass should be run before any inlining passes, and will not optiimize if inlining has been performed.